Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I had been looking forward to this for a while and it didn't disappoint. I arrived late Thursday afternoon and a few of the lads were already congregated in the hotel bar. A quick check in and change and I joined them. Had a couple of pints before heading down to the Waddon Hotel for some pool and pizza (pool was crap, pizza was good) and of course some more drink. We then ended up heading to some pretty rank club in Croydon where plenty more drink was consumed, then it was back to the hotel where Highstack decided to play barman :-). This was unfortunately frowned upon by the existing staff members so we had to vacate and ended up in Kev and Highstacks room where I lounged until 7am before heading down for some breakfast...which was awful. After that I decided that some shut eye would be in order..but could I sleep?? Could I f***!!! I proceeded to roll about my bed for a couple of hours before I eventually managed to sleep.

Friday was the team game and I put up a sterling performance....I was first out. Hand 3 I look down at JJ UTG and make it 200 to play. Hawko calls as does Tankdahl in the BB, so we have a pot of 625 and the flop comes 567 and the drunken scouse clown goes and throws a 5k chip in the middle which causes me to recoil in my seat in horror. After much deliberating I decide to move in out of curiosity...Tank calls and shows a set of 7's and says "I meant to bet 500" LOL.

The main game on the Sunday was a bit of a non-event for me. I never got going and bit the dust when I re-raised Hawko all-in with 97s after he made his 3rd consecutive preflop raise. Of course this time he had a hand lol. Never mind the proper poker is this week :-). A few of us then headed for an Indian before I finally got to bet around 4ish I think.

Sunday came and I was rudely awoken by my alarm at 9am...I don't think I've ever been as tired in my life. I got to the airport earlier than anticipated so had a couple of hours before my flight was due to depart. I checked my bag in and went and took a seat..bad idea as I then fell asleep and wok in a blind panic as I thought I'd missed my flight, I had however only been asleep for 40mins or so. Thankfully there were no delays and I stepped through my front door around 4pm. I had a cracking week and I'm already looking forward to BFWCOP3 next year.


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