Thursday, December 07, 2006

Time for a crew cut... stop me from tearing my hair out.

I should really be documenting some fine results in the past few days but I have nothing to report. I keep getting into decent positions in multi after multi only to be gang-raped time after time. I have ran so bad for the past 3 months (Betfair $15k win aside, see what happens when I don't get shafted :-)) that I'm feeling like chucking it. I know it will turn and I just gotta play through it but it starts to take it toll and is pretty damn soul destroying!!

The Crypto Christmas league started this week and runs for 20days with 3 MTTs each night. I'm confident that if I run average I will place in top 10 in this but so far I've ran like a diseased dog. I was lying 37th after Wednesdays tournaments, but I've picked up no points tonight (dont ask) so will likely plummet down. I'm going to have to pick up a few FT's in the coming days which I'm more than capable of..if the cards allow it that is.